Wider Curriculum

“Development can only take place when children are actively involved, when they are occupied with a high, non-stop degree of concentration, when they are interested, when they give themselves completely, when they use all their (mental) abilities to invent and make new things and when this gives them a high degree of satisfaction and pleasure.”

Ferre Laevers

Curriculum Intent

As a truly inclusive school community, we are committed to providing a creative, fun and nurturing environment where our children develop a life-long love for learning and are inspired to become the best that they can be. All of our children will engage with a curriculum that is meaningful to them, enriched by real life experiences and underpinned by a love of high quality books.


‘Children’s brains privilege stories because there is an emotional and intellectual connection with them. Without painting the bigger picture, pupils will find it harder to make connections between the elements they are learning. The curriculum is full of stories and it is our job to find them’ (Mary Myatt)