Design & Technology

“Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design”

Stephen Gardiner


See what we have been learning about in DT here: #OverchurchDT

Our Design & Technology Intent

At Overchurch Infant School, Design Technology is an inspiring and practical subject, where children learn to think creatively to design products, as individuals and as part of a team. As Design Technologists, children develop their natural curiosity alongside extending their understanding and skills base. Staff support children with retaining childhood confidence in their ideas and skills as they grow confident in completing the design cycle to evaluate and extend their ideas.

Our open days are:

Tuesday 5th November

Wednesday 20th November

Wednesday 4th December

Wednesday 8th January
9:30am and 4:00pm

If you wish to attend please contact the school office on 0151 677 3335