Feedback and Marking

At Overchurch Infant School we believe that feedback and marking should provide constructive feedback to every child, focusing on effort, success and improvement against learning intentions. This will enable children to become reflective learners and help close the gap between current and desired performance.

Research has shown that consistent and effective feedback has a significant impact on raising achievement. Where pupils are given quality support and feedback, and are encouraged and empowered to take more responsibility, they learn more effectively.


Feedback in Foundation Stage is immediate and embedded in daily practice.

It is introduced in Nursery using a kinaesthetic approach based on ‘Tickled Pink’ and ‘Green for Growth’. A feather duster (pink) and watering can (green) are used to support verbal feedback. Teachers and all staff use the pink duster to praise specific elements of children’s learning. This is done in small group work or during mini ‘pit stops’ to focus children on the learning taking place. The watering can is used to give the children the next steps in a focussed specific way.

The kinaesthetic approach to verbal feedback continues in FS2. When the children are producing work on paper, simple pink and green marking is introduced to work alongside the verbal feedback.

Key Stage 1

In Years One and Two marking and feedback is written in pink and green pen.

Pink is used to highlight successful elements of the learning against learning intentions/success criteria.

Green is used to highlight areas for further development (with a corresponding written prompt as appropriate). A focussed comment should help the child in “closing the gap” between what they have achieved and what they could have achieved.

Purple will be used by the children when self-editing their work.

Our open days are:

Tuesday 5th November

Wednesday 20th November

Wednesday 4th December

Wednesday 8th January
9:30am and 4:00pm

If you wish to attend please contact the school office on 0151 677 3335