We have a fantastic team here at Overchurch Infant School:
Leadership Team
Mr Steve Elliott, Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Charlotte Williams, Deputy Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Class Teachers
Mrs Rachel Collins – Forest School
Miss Anna Cromby – EYFS Leader
Mrs Sarah Dodd – School Council
Mrs Nicola Hill – English / Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Christine Lilliott – Music
Mrs Tracey McAdam – Art / Design and Technology
Mrs Michelle Mutch – Humanities
Mr Alex Newman – Computing / Inclusion Leader
Mrs Sophie Parker – Humanities
Mrs Rachel Phillips – Science
Mrs Nicola Roberts – Physical Education
Mrs Sarah Seymour – Humanities
Mrs Julie Wilson – Maths / RE
Teaching Assistants
These members of staff work with classes and children based on the needs of different groups:
Mrs Lisa Bates
Mrs Natalie Batts
Mrs Linda Bell
Ms Paula Farrell
Mrs Serena Garner
Mrs Ceri Gilham
Mrs Emma Holbrook
Mrs Lesley Igoe
Mrs Susan Keating
Mrs Jane McDonald
Mrs Sophie McDonough
Mrs Mandy Pyper
Mrs Gaynor Sedgewick-Davies
Mrs Jane Smith
Mrs Susan Turton
Miss Hellen Yeardsley
Administration / Premises
Mrs Bev Smith – Business Manager
Mrs Debra Davies – Finance
Mrs Felicity Newton – Administration Assistant
Mrs Kim Brammah – Secretary
Mr Pete Davies – Caretaker
Miss Sam Arrowsmith – Caretaker
Mrs Dawn Jones – Cleaner
Mrs Jane Annette – Cleaner
Mrs Jenny Bond – Cleaner
Mrs Maxine Farrell – Cleaner
Catering Team
Mrs Paula Arrowsmith
Mrs Kelly Doyle
Mrs Rahima Haque
Miss Sam Arrowsmith
Lunchtime Team
These members of staff ensure safe, exciting and fun lunchtimes for all children:
Miss Sam Caldwell
Mrs Kayleigh Davies
Mrs Bev Fraser
Mrs Jenny Jordan
Mrs Helen Larsen
Mrs Kristina Mknyte
Mrs Wendy Pleavin-Lea