There is a strong correlation between excellent attendance/punctuality and high attainment. Therefore it is a priority at Overchurch Infant School to make sure all the children are in school and ready to learn. If you are not at school you cannot access the curriculum!
School opens at 8.50am and registers are taken by 9am. If a child arrives late to school they are less likely to be ready to engage in learning and valuable time is being lost. Even though you might think 5 minutes is nothing to worry about, 5 minutes late every day means that your child misses approximately 15 hours over the year – it soon adds up as this table demonstrates!
Attendance Guidelines
Good attendance at school is very important. If you are not here, you can’t learn! This year we aim to have an attendance percentage of 96% or above. Holidays are not allowed during term time. Only in exceptional circumstances will permission be considered.