Start Of The Day
Children are to be dropped off at the following staggered times:
Drop Off | Pick Up | |
Nursery AM | 9:00am | 12:00pm |
Nursery PM | 12:15pm | 3:15pm |
Nursery (all day) | 9:00am | 3:15pm |
Reception | 9:00am | 3:00pm |
Year One | 8:50am | 3:15pm |
Year Two | 8:50am | 3:15pm |
Upon arrival, the one way system remains in operation with markers spaced 2m apart. We ask that when you are waiting to either drop off or pick your child, you remain on the markers socially distanced from other parents.
Children are to wear their uniform each day and it is essential that they bring their own labelled water bottle. There will be no working water fountain available in school. We must insist at this time that no other items are brought into school.
Children will remain in small consistent bubbles yet we cannot guarantee that they are with a familiar member of staff or specific children.
Regular Cleaning
We would like to reassure parents and carers that there will still be daily cleaning of all classrooms and equipment before children’s arrival. Hand washing will be timetabled regularly throughout the day and children will be consistently reminded of its importance in controlling the spread of germs.
Catering Arrangements
Our school kitchen will remain fully open during this national lockdown and will serve both hot and cold food. Free school meals (FSM) will be provided as normal and children can bring a packed lunch if they wish to.
Pupils will be asked to remain in their bubbles at lunchtime and will eat their lunches seperately to the otehr children. Lunchtimes will be staggered so tables are fully cleaned before other bubbles enter the hall. Infection control and social distancing measures will continue to be enforced during lunchtime and pupils will not share food, utensils, or cups.
During The Day
The children will continue to have break times and lunchtime play and will also have scheduled times in the forest area and outdoor learning zones as we continue to prioritise outdoor time as much as possible. Different bubbles will not mix during the day, which may mean they will not interact with some friends who may be in different bubbles. Children within bubbles will be encouraged to maintain social distancing as much as it is possible for young children.
End Of The Day
At the end of the day, children can be collected from their own classrooms (where possible).
Class One | Classroom Door |
Class Two | Reception Entrance |
Class Three | Reception Entrance |
Class Four | Year One Toilets |
Class Five | Year One Toilets |
Class Six | Classroom Door |
Class Seven | Classroom Door |
Class Eight | Classroom Door |
Class Nine | Front of School |
Please be considerate to Junior School parents who may be sharing the path; although staggered arrival and departure times should reduce this contact.