To ensure the safety of all our school community entering the site, a number of measures are in place:
* only one adult is permitted onto site at the start or end of the school day. This is to decrease traffic on the paths and to promote social distancing
* a one way system has been introduced to facilitate the safe movement of adults on site
* markings have been spray painted onto the paths to help parents remain two metres apart and to indicate the one way movement around the site
* staggered start and finish times are in operation reduce the number of parents on site at any one time for either Infant or Junior parents
Drop Off | Pick Up | |
Nursery AM | 9:00am | 12:00pm |
Nursery PM | 12:15pm | 3:15pm |
Nursery (all day) | 9:00am | 3:15pm |
Reception | 9:00am | 3:00pm |
Year One | 8:50am | 3:15pm |
Year Two | 8:50am | 3:15pm |
* children will be collected from classrooms (where possible) at the end of the day