Today we welcomed our school community to our ‘Brick by Brick’ event designed to open a conversation regarding positive mental health and well-being. This followed on from the success of our Neurodiversity celebration event last year and gave families access to a range of agencies and professionals as well as allowing them high quality time with their children in school.

Further information about the professionals in attendance can be found below:
Mental Health Support Team – “Come and talk to me if you have any concerns around your child’s mental health, behaviour or parenting difficulties. We can provide a range of different support tailored to meet the needs of your family.”
SALT – “Come and talk to me if you have any concerns around your child’s communication, whether they are already under Speech and Language Therapy or if you would like to discuss making a referral.”
Family Toolbox – “Come and ask us how to open your Family Toolbox; there you will find a collection of resources, local organisations and places to go that can help your family be the strongest it can be.”
Autism Together – “Come and talk to me about Autism! Whether you have a formal diagnosis, are on the pathway or just want to learn more. One of the UKs leading providers in specialist autism care – we have children’s activity clubs, parenting courses and events for the whole family. We can also offer advice and support on many autism related topics.”
SENDLO – “The Local Offer I hear you say, what’s that…? Come and chat with me to find out what it is and how it can help you. The Local Offer sets out in one place, information about Education, Health and Social Care for children and young people from birth to 25 who have Special Educational needs or are disabled including those who do not have an EHC plan.”
Positivitree – “Come and talk to me about support for families with their wellbeing.”
Koala NorthWest – “Come and talk to the SEND Coordinates and Sleep practitioners for Koala North West. You can find out more information on what we provide as a service and what we can offer when it comes to neurodiversity and sleep support
Positivity Club – “Come and ask me about expressing feelings, emotions and self-regulation.”
Home Instead – “Come and talk to me about support for families living with dementia.”