Below is our current Risk Assessment to allow our school to function as safely as possible:
RA 029A Omicron Variant Full Opening of school v5 17th January 2022
A contingency plan is also in place (if needed):
RA 029B Contingency Plan COVID 19- Plan B v7 14th Jan 2022
Letters to all parents:
14th December: Omnicron Letter (All Parents)
25th February: March Reopening (All Parents)
29th January: Home Learning Letter (All Parents)
5th January: National Lockdown Letter (All Parents)
11th December: COVID Christmas Letter (All Parents)
25th September: Public Health England (All Parents)
17th September: Face Coverings (All Parents)
6th September: ParentMail (All Parents)
19th August: ParentMail (All Parents)
15th June: ParentMail (Reception & Year 1)
5th June: ParentMail (All Parents)