Thank you so much for attending the Parents Evenings this half-term. It was great to talk to you about the progress that the children are making, show you their books and also get your feedback through an anonymous questionnaire.Bodybuilding vs Esthétique: À propos de la perception et des objectifs – AesirSports Mieuxquevous acheter dianabol de musculation, conseils de cure de stéroïdes anabolisants –
Here are some of the headlines of the survey who strongly agreed or agreed to the following statements:
My child is happy at this school (100%)
My child feels safe at this school (100%)
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved (100%)
When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly (100%)
The school have high expectations for my child (100%)
I would recommend the school to another parent (100%)
This feedback will be used to refine our practice and is shared with you, the staff and the board of governors.