Welcome back!  I hope you have all had a relaxing summer holiday and were able to spend some quality family time together.

It is important at the start of each year that teachers and parents build quality relationships which are built on clear communication.  After school on Monday 15th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th October you will have the opportunity to book an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher, find out how they have settled in and discuss any concerns or share any information you think they may need to know. To try and accommodate working parents, appointments on 15th October will be until 7pm. If you are unable to make these dates but would like to talk to the class teacher, don’t worry!

As you know we pride ourselves on our ‘open door’ policy and will always make time for any conversations with you. The best time to do this is usually when the children leave at home time.  Also early in November, we will be hosting Open Afternoons were you will have the chance to visit your child’s classroom, talk to the teacher and see what they have learnt so far.

If you ever need any help, support or have any questions – please do not hesitate to speak to the class teacher or phone the school office. An exciting year lies ahead!

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Our open days are:

Tuesday 5th November

Wednesday 20th November

Wednesday 4th December

Wednesday 8th January
9:30am and 4:00pm

If you wish to attend please contact the school office on 0151 677 3335