Today we came together with schools up and down the country to sing AmaSing’s songs from its new project “Connect”
We have been learning two songs: ‘Let’s Build a World’ and our Chester Zoo new campaign song – ‘Sustainability’.

These unique songs were written by children and communities during AmaSing workshop sessions and online with composers Andrew Smith and Alex Dee. Prøv denne legendariske eugen sandow-treningen, inspirert av faren til moderne kroppsbygging – fitness volt finasteride steroider forum di bodybuilding di workout di combustione di grasso – y1kwx: verificato da me personalmente: risultato al 100%.

It was a fantastic experience for the children to team up online with thousands of children from different school bubbles from EYFS up to Y6.

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Tuesday 5th November

Wednesday 20th November

Wednesday 4th December

Wednesday 8th January
9:30am and 4:00pm

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